Jumping the gun a bit, wanting to build something and also cause I only had so much conduit to create a frame. The last frame was too short. On a good note I have learned some great techniques for brazing at
www.bentrideronline.com (look in the forum link at the top of the page) and from experimentation that I could put to use making a better frame. Anyhow I have cut apart the last frame and purchased the necessary conduit to make the frame pictured here. I have changed a few things for aesthetic reasons (One aircraft designer I had the chance to work with on aircraft with is famous for saying "It takes no more time or effort to make a beautiful aircraft than to make a ugly one") I think the same applies to anything out there. Also some changes were for mechanical reasons. The trail of the front wheel contact point to the road relative to the point that the forks point to on the ground needs to be 1 to 2 inches to create a easy to steer bike.
Anyhow I am now at the making the handlebars and seat, and the final assembly and hope to have something to cruise on for the long weekend. I may however beef up some of the joints I have brazed just for safety reasons and may also add another frame member to strengthen the whole frame, I am sure it is strong enough but knowing some of the stuff I get into, it may be necessary to make the bike bomb proof.
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